Karakter bilgisi: TKP
Son giris: 2022-06-02 15:56:00
Toplam Çalma Süresi: 123 days 11:58
Clan LostInTheTime
Irk El Morad
Class: Priest
Level 85
National Points 99,578 (650)
Aylik National Points 0
Max Points: 809
Öldürdü: 156
Öldü: 873
STR 255 HP 157
DEX 70 MP 50
INT 70
Moradon (866, 648)

Helmet of Trial (+10)
Priest Armor

Weight : 7.50
Max Durability : 19937
Current Durability : 0
Defense Ability : 110
Strength Bonus : 32
Health Bonus : 10
Required Strength : 225

Anicent priestess once had to pass the trial of life, this armor is made from the bones of those who failed that test
Amulet of Strength(+3)
(Unique Item)

Defense Ability : 6
HP Bonus : 125
Strength Bonus : 30
Pauldron of Trial (+10)
Priest Armor

Weight : 12.60
Max Durability : 19937
Current Durability : 0
Defense Ability : 170
Strength Bonus : 32
Health Bonus : 10
Required Strength : 225

Anicent priestess once had to pass the trial of life, this armor is made from the bones of those who failed that test
Tier Garujesu Sword (+10)
(Unique Item)

Attack Power : 267
Attack Speed : Slow
Effective Range : 2.00
Weight : 16.00
Max Durability : 20500
Current Durability : 0
Defense Ability : 20
Lightning Damage : 130
Health Bonus : 10
Resistance to Flame : 20
Resistance to Glacier : 20
Resistance to Lightning : 20
Required Strength : 218

MAXKO Special Sword (Yellow Sword)
Belt of Strength(+3)
(Unique Item)

Defense Ability : 6
HP Bonus : 125
Strength Bonus : 20
Pads of Trial (+10)
Priest Armor

Weight : 10.00
Max Durability : 19937
Current Durability : 0
Defense Ability : 150
Strength Bonus : 32
Health Bonus : 10
Required Strength : 225

Anicent priestess once had to pass the trial of life, this armor is made from the bones of those who failed that test
Gauntlet of Trial (+10)
Priest Armor

Weight : 4.90
Max Durability : 19937
Current Durability : 0
Defense Ability : 85
Strength Bonus : 32
Health Bonus : 10
Required Strength : 225

Anicent priestess once had to pass the trial of life, this armor is made from the bones of those who failed that test
Boots of Trial (+10)
Priest Armor

Weight : 4.90
Max Durability : 19937
Current Durability : 0
Defense Ability : 85
Strength Bonus : 32
Health Bonus : 10
Required Strength : 225

Anicent priestess once had to pass the trial of life, this armor is made from the bones of those who failed that test
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