Karakter informatie: _Chuuupala_
Laatste login: 2022-12-21 01:15:00
Totale tijd: 0 days 01:33
Clan N/A
Nation El Morad
Klasse: Priest
Level 85
National Points 3,040 (0)
Maandelijkse NP 0
Max Points: 0
Killed: 0
Died: 0
STR 255 HP 177
DEX 70 MP 50
INT 50
Ronark Land (623, 891)

Priest Spirit Armor Helmet (+10) (STR)
Priest Armor

Weight : 18.00
Max Durability : 25625
Current Durability : 0
Defense Ability : 170
Strength Bonus : 24
Required Strength : 120
Required Health : 100

Only few dare to enter anicent Juraid to obtain this fierce armor.
Priest Spirit Armor Pauldron (+10) (STR)
Priest Armor

Weight : 18.00
Max Durability : 25625
Current Durability : 0
Defense Ability : 220
Strength Bonus : 24
Required Strength : 120
Required Health : 100

Only few dare to enter anicent Juraid to obtain this fierce armor.
Priest Spirit Armor Pads (+10) (STR)
Priest Armor

Weight : 18.00
Max Durability : 25625
Current Durability : 0
Defense Ability : 200
Strength Bonus : 24
Required Strength : 120
Required Health : 100

Only few dare to enter anicent Juraid to obtain this fierce armor.
Priest Spirit Armor Gauntlet (+10) (STR)
Priest Armor

Weight : 18.00
Max Durability : 25625
Current Durability : 0
Defense Ability : 130
Strength Bonus : 24
Required Strength : 120
Required Health : 100

Only few dare to enter anicent Juraid to obtain this fierce armor.
Priest Spirit Armor Boots (+10) (STR)
Priest Armor

Weight : 18.00
Max Durability : 25625
Current Durability : 0
Defense Ability : 130
Strength Bonus : 24
Required Strength : 120
Required Health : 100

Only few dare to enter anicent Juraid to obtain this fierce armor.
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