Character info: Yok
Zadnji Ulazak: 2017-05-26 06:37:00
Ukupno vrijeme igranja: 0 days 11:03
Klan N/A
Nacija El Morad
Klasa: Rogue
Nivo 85
National Points 2,706 (0)
Mjesečni NP 0
Max Bodovi: 0
Ubijenih: 0
Poginuo: 0
STR 50 HP 177
DEX 255 MP 50
INT 70
Moradon (842, 512)

Howling Rooster
(Unique Item)

HP Bonus : 60
Dexterity Bonus : 9
Resistance to Flame : 10
Resistance to Glacier : 10
Resistance to Lightning : 10

Earrings once worn on
the beak of nimble Cockatrice.
Howling Rooster
(Unique Item)

HP Bonus : 60
Dexterity Bonus : 9
Resistance to Flame : 10
Resistance to Glacier : 10
Resistance to Lightning : 10

Earrings once worn on
the beak of nimble Cockatrice.
Iron Necklace
(Unique Item)

Defense Ability (Dagger) : 5
Defense Ability (Sword) : 7
Defense Ability (Club) : 7
Defense Ability (Ax) : 7
Defense Ability (Spear) : 7
Defense Ability (Bow) : 7
Health Bonus : 20
Shard (+10)

Attack Power : 134
Attack Speed : Fast
Effective Range : 1.00
Weight : 2.00
Max Durability : 13000
Current Durability : 0
Poison Damage : 100
Required Health : 6
Required Dexterity : 208
Iron Belt
(Unique Item)

Defense Ability : 50
Defense Ability (Dagger) : 10
Defense Ability (Sword) : 10
Defense Ability (Club) : 10
Defense Ability (Ax) : 10
Defense Ability (Spear) : 10
Defense Ability (Bow) : 10
Shard (+10)

Attack Power : 134
Attack Speed : Fast
Effective Range : 1.00
Weight : 2.00
Max Durability : 13000
Current Durability : 0
Poison Damage : 100
Required Health : 6
Required Dexterity : 208
Ring of the Felankor
(Unique Item)

Defense Ability : 50
HP Bonus : 50
MP Bonus : 50
Strength Bonus : 8
Health Bonus : 8
Dexterity Bonus : 8
Intelligence Bonus : 8
Magic Power Bonus : 8
Resistance to Flame : 30

Ring infused with the power of the Red Dragon `Felankor`
Ring of the Felankor
(Unique Item)

Defense Ability : 50
HP Bonus : 50
MP Bonus : 50
Strength Bonus : 8
Health Bonus : 8
Dexterity Bonus : 8
Intelligence Bonus : 8
Magic Power Bonus : 8
Resistance to Flame : 30

Ring infused with the power of the Red Dragon `Felankor`

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