Character info: BARBATOSS
Letzter Zugang: 2023-04-22 17:43:00
Gesamte Spielzeit: 34 days 11:27
Clan Rome
Nation El Morad
Class: Schurke
Level 85
National Points 189,499 (112)
Monthly NP 0
Max Points: 973
Killed: 1823
Died: 1764
STR 60 HP 202
DEX 240 MP 50
INT 50
Moradon (813, 546)

Rogue Hero Armor Helmet (DEX)
(Rare Item)
Rogue Armor

Weight : 18.00
max Haltbarkeit : 24625
aktuelle Haltbarkeit : 0
Defense Ability : 220
Dexterity Bonus : 24
Required Health : 140
Required Dexterity : 240

I was a Hero, in the ancient Battles, now it is your time
Rogue Hero Armor Pauldron (DEX)
(Rare Item)
Rogue Armor

Weight : 18.00
max Haltbarkeit : 24625
aktuelle Haltbarkeit : 0
Defense Ability : 280
Dexterity Bonus : 24
Required Health : 140
Required Dexterity : 240

I was a Hero, in the ancient Battles, now it is your time
Chaos Bow of life
(Unique Item)

Attack Power : 188
Attack Speed : langsam
Effective Range : 40.00
Weight : 4.50
max Haltbarkeit : 20500
aktuelle Haltbarkeit : 0
Fire Damage : 150
HP Bonus : 700
Strength Bonus : 10
Dexterity Bonus : 14
Resistance to Flame : 30
Resistance to Glacier : 30
Resistance to Lightning : 30
Required Health : 60
Required Dexterity : 134

Feel The Power Of Green Chaos And Life !
Flame Ring(+3)
(Unique Item)

Defense Ability : 35
Fire Damage : 75
Dexterity Bonus : 12
Magic Power Bonus : 12
Resistance to Flame : 30
Resistance to Glacier : 15
Resistance to Lightning : 15

Instilled with spirit of fire, strengthens mage's fire magic
Rogue Hero Armor Pads (DEX)
(Rare Item)
Rogue Armor

Weight : 18.00
max Haltbarkeit : 24625
aktuelle Haltbarkeit : 0
Defense Ability : 260
Dexterity Bonus : 24
Required Health : 140
Required Dexterity : 240

I was a Hero, in the ancient Battles, now it is your time
Flame Ring(+3)
(Unique Item)

Defense Ability : 35
Fire Damage : 75
Dexterity Bonus : 12
Magic Power Bonus : 12
Resistance to Flame : 30
Resistance to Glacier : 15
Resistance to Lightning : 15

Instilled with spirit of fire, strengthens mage's fire magic
Rogue Hero Armor Gauntlet (DEX)
(Rare Item)
Rogue Armor

Weight : 18.00
max Haltbarkeit : 24625
aktuelle Haltbarkeit : 0
Defense Ability : 190
Dexterity Bonus : 24
Required Health : 140
Required Dexterity : 240

I was a Hero, in the ancient Battles, now it is your time
Rogue Hero Armor Boots (DEX)
(Rare Item)
Rogue Armor

Weight : 18.00
max Haltbarkeit : 24625
aktuelle Haltbarkeit : 0
Defense Ability : 190
Dexterity Bonus : 24
Required Health : 140
Required Dexterity : 240

I was a Hero, in the ancient Battles, now it is your time

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