Character info: 231sdad2
Letzter Zugang: 2022-10-18 11:33:00
Gesamte Spielzeit: 0 days 00:02
Clan N/A
Nation Karus
Class: Zauberer
Level 1
National Points 3,010 (0)
Monthly NP 0
Max Points: 0
Killed: 0
Died: 0
STR 60 HP 50
DEX 70 MP 50
INT 70
Moradon (867, 649)

Mage Spirit Armor Helmet (+9)
Magician Armor

Weight : 18.00
max Haltbarkeit : 25625
aktuelle Haltbarkeit : 0
Defense Ability : 120
Health Bonus : 22
Required Intelligence : 140
Required Magic Power : 160

Only few dare to enter anicent Juraid to obtain this fierce armor.
Mage Spirit Armor Pauldron (+9)
Magician Armor

Weight : 18.00
max Haltbarkeit : 25625
aktuelle Haltbarkeit : 0
Defense Ability : 180
Health Bonus : 22
Required Intelligence : 140
Required Magic Power : 160

Only few dare to enter anicent Juraid to obtain this fierce armor.
Mage Spirit Armor Pads (+9)
Magician Armor

Weight : 18.00
max Haltbarkeit : 25625
aktuelle Haltbarkeit : 0
Defense Ability : 160
Health Bonus : 22
Required Intelligence : 140
Required Magic Power : 160

Only few dare to enter anicent Juraid to obtain this fierce armor.
Mage Spirit Armor Gauntlet (+9)
Magician Armor

Weight : 18.00
max Haltbarkeit : 25625
aktuelle Haltbarkeit : 0
Defense Ability : 90
Health Bonus : 22
Required Intelligence : 140
Required Magic Power : 160

Only few dare to enter anicent Juraid to obtain this fierce armor.
Mage Spirit Armor Boots (+9)
Magician Armor

Weight : 18.00
max Haltbarkeit : 25625
aktuelle Haltbarkeit : 0
Defense Ability : 90
Health Bonus : 22
Required Intelligence : 140
Required Magic Power : 160

Only few dare to enter anicent Juraid to obtain this fierce armor.
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